RnB Cattle Dogs
RnB Cattle Dogs

August 10, 2024
Hi Bonnie,
I hope I'm not bugging you with an update. Bodi is such a great dog!..He learns so fast! He sits and lays down with just hand signals. He heels on the leash. He loves to go to the lake and swim.
I have been handling him by touching his tongue and his paws and putting him on his back. We went to the vet yesterday for shots and worming and he was a perfect gentleman. Better than I had hoped for. He even sat perfectly still to have his little sharp like a cat's claws nails clipped. I could not ask for a better dog. You have a great breeding program. Dogs like Bodi just don't come out of a void.
I didn't even have to potty train him. When we got home with him we spent two hours out on the lawn. He went pee twice. Then we came in the house. He would, without training, go to the door to be let out to pee! He has had only four accidents in the house because I didn't wake up when he whined to go out at night. He's the best dog ever!!
Love you and your Heeler skills!
June 16, 2022
Thank you so much! You’ve been amazing to work with. It’s very refreshing to know there’s good people left in this world I’ll make sure to add a little extra to the fee to cover your expenses to the airport.
Travel safely, Kelly
Dec. 31, 2021
Just wanted to let you know how Izzy is doing. She is one of the smarteds dogs that i have ever had. She loves to have a routine on the schedule. She loves to heel cows, she can be right there ready to bite and I can call her off. When we go to eed cows, she jumps out of the truck and stands in the gate and won't let anything out. When we cut the strings on the round bales on the back of the truck, she holds the cows back, best dog we have ever had.
Thank you for her!

August 12, 2022
Hello Bonnie,
I just wanted to give you an update and a thank you! Cora is the best dog a man could ask for. You bread beautiful pups out there. 9 months in and she’s been helping put out fires here in Northern Nevada and traveling all around.